BS - Mechanical Engineering Technology 24
Graduates are capable of applying engineering principles to today’s industrial problems. In the four-year Bachelor’s degree programs, emphasis is placed on necessary theoretical concepts as well as practical laboratory experience in manufacturing processes and techniques, instrumentation and controls, and equipment and machinery design, and performance testing and evaluation. Particular emphasis is placed on studies meeting the needs of those industries which are prevalent in the Southeast.
Term 1
ENGL 1101 English Composition IENGL 1101 English Composition I3 Credits
A composition course focusing on skills required for effective writing in a variety of contexts, with emphasis on exposition, analysis, and argumentation, and also including introductory use of a variety of research skills.
MATH 1113 PrecalculusMATH 1113 Precalculus3 Credits
This course is an intensive study of the basic functions needed for the study of calculus. Topics include algebraic, functional, and graphical techniques for solving problems with algebraic, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions and their inverses.
Prerequisites: MATH 1111 with a minimum grade of C
CHEM 1211 Principles of Chemistry ICHEM 1211 Principles of Chemistry I3 Credits
CHEM 1211 is the first course in a two-semester sequence covering the fundamental principles and applications of chemistry for science majors. Course content includes electronic structure of atoms and molecules, bonding fundamentals, fundamentals of chemical reactions, and gas laws.
Prerequisites: MATH 1111** with a minimum grade of C or
MATH 1113** with a minimum grade of C or
MATH 1190** with a minimum grade of C or
MATH 1179** with a minimum grade of C or
MATH 2202** with a minimum grade of C
CHEM 1211L Principles of Chemistry Lab ICHEM 1211L Principles of Chemistry Lab I1 Credits
Laboratory exercises designed to supplement the lecture material of CHEM 1211.
Prerequisites: CHEM 1211** with a minimum grade of C and (
MATH 1111** with a minimum grade of C or
MATH 1113** with a minimum grade of C or
MATH 1190** with a minimum grade of C or
MATH 1179** with a minimum grade of C or
MATH 2202** with a minimum grade of C)
ENGR 1000 Introduction to EngineeringENGR 1000 Introduction to Engineering1 Credits
This course explains the engineering education pathways in the Southern Polytechnic College of Engineering and Engineering Technology. The course introduces University and College resources as well as an overview of career opportunities, available campus facilities and student organizations. The course also covers advising and course planning, and some of the skills necessary for various Engineering disciplines. Students will learn basic skills in problem solving, computation, design, and communication that is needed for future engineering courses.
Total: 14
Term 2
MATH 1190 Calculus IMATH 1190 Calculus I4 Credits
This course is the first in the calculus curriculum and introduces the central concepts of calculus. Topics include limits, continuity, derivatives of algebraic and transcendental functions of one variable, applications of these concepts and a brief introduction to the integral of a function.
Prerequisites: (
MATH 1112 with a minimum grade of C or
MATH 1113 with a minimum grade of C)
ENGL 1102 English Composition IIENGL 1102 English Composition II3 Credits
A composition course that develops writing skills beyond the levels of proficiency required by ENGL 1101, that emphasizes interpretation, and evaluation, and that incorporates a variety of more advanced research methods.
Prerequisites: (
ENGL 1101 with a minimum grade of C or
ENGL 101 with a minimum grade of C)
MET 1001L Intro to Mech Engr Tech LabMET 1001L Intro to Mech Engr Tech Lab1 Credits
A continuation of ENGR 1000, MET 1001L actively introduces the student to an exciting career of applied engineering within the context of Mechanical Engineering Technology. The class/lab blends real-world workplace content, engineering tools/processes, critical engineering skills/competencies, and hands-on input?culminating in an exciting class competition that demonstrates an engineered solution to defined problem.
Prerequisites: ENGR 1000 with a minimum grade of C
Total: 15
Year 1 (Hours: 29)
Term 3
MET 1400 Welding & Fabrication for ENGRMET 1400 Welding & Fabrication for ENGR2 Credits
This course is an introduction to the use and operation of selected welding and fabrication processes. Weld joints and weld types are discussed as they relate to weld design. Weld evaluation and testing methods are covered. Laboratory projects will emphasize safety and apply selected welding processes, various inspection processes, fixturing and engineering materials.
Prerequisites: MET 1001L** with a minimum grade of C
EDG 1211 Engineering Graphics IEDG 1211 Credits
Description not available
MET 2124 Statics With ApplicationsMET 2124 Statics With Applications3 Credits
2D and 3D forces and moments acting on components, machine parts, frames, and structures are analyzed. Static rigid body force systems in equilibrium, including friction applications are included. Distributed load calculations using centroids and centers of gravity located by composite and CAD methods are practiced. An introduction to calculating the moments of inertia of machines and structures is also included. Real 2D and 3D design applications are emphasized. Assumptions considering safety, economics, quality and function are discussed. Not equivalent to ENGR 2214,
Prerequisites: (
MATH 1190 with a minimum grade of C or
MATH 1179 with a minimum grade of C and
MATH 1189 with a minimum grade of C
PHYS 1111 with a minimum grade of C and
PHYS 1111L with a minimum grade of C or
PHYS 2211 with a minimum grade of C and
PHYS 2211L with a minimum grade of C or
PHYS 2211K with a minimum grade of C)
MATH 2202 Calculus IIMATH 2202 Calculus II4 Credits
This course is the second in the calculus curriculum and consists of two parts. The first part is concerned with the techniques of integration and applications of the integral. The second part is concerned with infinite sequences and series.
Prerequisites: MATH 1190 with a minimum grade of C or
MATH 1179 with a minimum grade of C and
MATH 1189 with a minimum grade of C
ECON 1000 Contemporary Economic IssuesECON 1000 Credits
Description not available
Total: 14
Term 4
EDG 1212 Engineering Graphics IIEDG 1212 Engineering Graphics II3 Credits
Prerequisites: (
ENGR 1211 with a minimum grade of C or
EDG 1211 with a minimum grade of C)
MET 3124 Strength of Materials w/ AppsMET 3124 Strength of Materials w/ Apps3 Credits
A study of stress and strain of deformable bodies in tension, compression, bending, and torsion. Topics include: axial stress and strain, thermal stress and strain, statically indeterminate systems, torsional stress and strain, power transmission in shafts, bending stresses in beams, beam deflections, combined stresses, elastic buckling in columns, and finite element analysis methods. ENGT 3124 and ENGT 3124L should be taken concurrently, but if a student has credit for one, the other can be taken alone.
Prerequisites: (
ENGR 2214 with a minimum grade of C or
MET 2124 with a minimum grade of C) and
MET 3124L** with a minimum grade of C
MET 3124L Strength of Materials LabMET 3124L Strength of Materials Lab1 Credits
The application of laboratory testing and analysis of results to determine the mechanical behavior of materials under load.
Prerequisites: (
ENGR 2214 with a minimum grade of C or
MET 2124 with a minimum grade of C) and
MET 3124** with a minimum grade of C
ENGT 2000 Applied Engineering MathENGT 2000 Applied Engineering Math3 Credits
This course focuses on the practical application of the essential mathematical skills required by practicing engineers. All the basic math skills needed to manage contemporary technology problems are addressed. Topics include algebra, geometry, trigonometry, complex arithmetic, differential and integral calculus, simultaneous algebraic equations, differential equations, Fourier series and Fourier transform, Laplace transform, Mathematics of vectors, and Probability and Statistics.
Prerequisites: MATH 2202 with a minimum grade of C
MET 1800 CNC Programming Machining IMET 1800 CNC Programming Machining I2 Credits
This course is an introduction to the use and operation of selected industrial machinery, machining operations, CNC, and precision measuring instruments. Laboratory projects will emphasize safety, tooling identification, workholding setup, CNC operation, and engineering materials.
Prerequisites: EDG 1211 with a minimum grade of C
MET 3126 Engr Dynamics w/AppMET 3126 Engr Dynamics w/App3 Credits
Prerequisites: (
ENGR 2214 with a minimum grade of C or
MET 2124 with a minimum grade of C) and
MATH 2202 with a minimum grade of
Total: 15
Year 2 (Hours: 29)
Term 5
MET 2800 CNC Programming & Machining IIMET 2800 CNC Programming & Machining II3 Credits
This course is an advanced CNC programming for 5 Axis Milling and introduction to Dual Spindle Lathe operation and programming, as well as process identification, process optimization, and automation. Tooling and work holding selection is incorporated into the manufacturing design process. Laboratory projects emphasize safety, CNC programming techniques, engineering documentation, design considerations, and in-process inspection.
Prerequisites: MET 1800 with a minimum grade of C and
EDG 1212 with a minimum grade of C
MET 3132 Engineering MaterialsMET 3132 Engineering Materials3 Credits
This course is focused on the study of metals, ceramics, polymers, and composites as related to engineering design. Areas of study include: corrosion, atomic structure, mechanical properties, failure theories, fatigue, creep, cold working, heat treating, alloying, and non-destructive testing.
Prerequisites: (
CHEM 1211 with a minimum grade of C or
CHEM 1211K with a minimum grade of C) and
MET 3124** with a minimum grade of C or
ENGR 3131** with a minimum grade of C
MET 3132L Engineering Materials LabMET 3132L Engineering Materials Lab1 Credits
In this course/laboratory students will gain practical experience in testing of materials including metals, polymers, and composites. Tests include tensile testing, heat treating, impact testing, hardness testing, and corrosion.
Prerequisites: MET 3132** with a minimum grade of C
MET 3101 Fluid Mech Princ & ApplicMET 3101 Fluid Mech Princ & Applic4 Credits
Prerequisites: MET 2124 with a minimum grade of C or
ENGR 2214 with a minimum grade of C
Total: 15
Term 6
MET 4112 Comp Aided Engr & AnalysisMET 4112 Comp Aided Engr & Analysis3 Credits
Prerequisites: ENGR 3131 with a minimum grade of C or
ENGT 3124 with a minimum grade of C) and (
MET 3101 with a minimum grade of C or
ENGR 3343 with a minimum grade of C) and (
EDG 1212 with a minimum grade of C
MET 2501 ENGR Comp Using MATLabMET 2501 ENGR Comp Using MATLab3 Credits
This course provides an introduction to computation in the context of engineering problem solving. In this course, the fundamental tenets of computer programming will be placed into the context of MATLAB, a user-friendly language for engineers. It employs hands on exercises, examples from the world of engineering, and a variety core tools to increase general proficiency and capability in the computer programming, preparing students to fluidly adapt learned programming concepts to other languages. After teaching the linear, algebra, an introduction to computer programming with MATLAB, including flow charts, loops, condition statements, and functions, is given. Basic numerical methods, including numerical integration, differentiation, and root finding are also covered. Emphasis is placed on using MATLAB to solve engineering problems, and using user-defined functions and toolboxes within MATLAB to create computer programs and GUI's. A brief introduction to Simulink is also given.
Prerequisites: (
MATH 1111 with a minimum grade of C and
MATH 1112 with a minimum grade of C or
MATH 1113 with a minimum grade of C)
MET 3401 Thermodynamics IMET 3401 Thermodynamics I3 Credits
Prerequisites: MATH 1190 with a minimum grade of C or
MATH 1179 with a minimum grade of C and
MATH 1189 with a minimum grade of C and (
PHYS 1111 with a minimum grade of C or
PHYS 2211 with a minimum grade of C or
PHYS 2211K with a minimum grade of C)
MET 4501 Machine DesignMET 4501 Machine Design3 Credits
The design of machines and machine elements, and cost considerations. The course focuses on power transmission in machines including gears, belts, pulleys, bearings, lubrication, clutches, brakes, chains, power screws, and gear trains. Stress calculations and material selection are discussed. Broad design issues such as safety, ethics, patents, product liability, time value of money, return on investment, and break even analysis are covered. Students start design teams for the capstone senior design project.
Prerequisites: MET 3124 with a minimum grade of C or
ENGR 3131 with a minimum grade of C
Total: 15
Year 3 (Hours: 30)
Term 7
POLS 1101 American GovernmentPOLS 1101 American Government3 Credits
This course examines the institutions and processes of American government and Georgia State government. Global comparisons are made between the governments of the U.S. and other modern nation-states.
ECET 3000 Electrical PrinciplesECET 3000 Electrical Principles4 Credits
Prerequisites: (
PHYS 1112 with a minimum grade of C and
PHYS 1112L with a minimum grade of C or
PHYS 1112K with a minimum grade of C) or
PHYS 2211 with a minimum grade of C and
PHYS 2211L with a minimum grade of C or
PHYS 2211K with a minimum grade of C)
ENGT 4901 ET Senior Design IENGT 4901 ET Senior Design I1 Credits
Part 1 of a two-course senior design capstone project for Engineering Technology. Students will form teams, define design projects, and write a proposal.
Prerequisites: MET 4501 with a minimum grade of C or
ECET 3710** with a minimum grade of C
Total: 17
Term 8
ECET 4530 Industrial Motor ControlECET 4530 Industrial Motor Control4 Credits
Prerequisites: ECET 2111 with a minimum grade of C and
ECET 3500 with a minimum grade of C or
ECET 3000 with a minimum grade of C
ENGT 4902 ET Senior Design IIENGT 4902 ET Senior Design II3 Credits
Part 2 of a two-course senior design capstone project for Engineering Technology. In teams students will define design projects and write a proposal for the synthesis and analysis of an open-ended mechanical engineering design project, including written and oral communication. Students will also be prepared to take the FE exam.
Prerequisites: ENGT 4901 with a minimum grade of C
Total: 16
Year 4 (Hours: 33)
Program Total: 121 Hours
Milestones: All courses indicated as a Milestone with this icon (
) should be completed in the term suggested to prevent delays in program completion.
Disclaimer: An academic map is a suggested four-year schedule of courses based on degree requirements in the KSU undergraduate catalog. This sample schedule serves as a general guideline to help build a full schedule each term. Some departments allow students to use the three credit first-year seminar course as a free elective for a degree program, which may impact the program's total credit hours. Milestones, courses, and special requirements necessary for timely progress to complete a major are designated to keep you on track to graduate in four years. Missing milestones could delay your program. Enrolled Students should reference DegreeWorks and not this plan.
This map is not a substitute for academic advisement—contact your advisor if you have any questions about scheduling or about your degree requirements. Also
see the current undergraduate catalog ( for a complete list of requirements and electives. Note: Requirements are continually under revision, and
there is no guarantee they will not be changed or revoked; contact the department and/or program area for current information.
You may choose to attend a summer term to reduce your load during fall or spring terms but still stay on track to graduate in four years.