BSED- Secondary Education- Chemistry Concentration 24
Term 1
ENGL 1101 English Composition IENGL 1101 English Composition I3 Credits
A composition course focusing on skills required for effective writing in a variety of contexts, with emphasis on exposition, analysis, and argumentation, and also including introductory use of a variety of research skills.
ECON 1000 Contemporary Economic IssuesECON 1000 Credits
Description not available
CHEM 1211 Principles of Chemistry ICHEM 1211 Principles of Chemistry I3 Credits
CHEM 1211 is the first course in a two-semester sequence covering the fundamental principles and applications of chemistry for science majors. Course content includes electronic structure of atoms and molecules, bonding fundamentals, fundamentals of chemical reactions, and gas laws.
Prerequisites: MATH 1111** with a minimum grade of C or
MATH 1113** with a minimum grade of C or
MATH 1190** with a minimum grade of C or
MATH 1179** with a minimum grade of C or
MATH 2202** with a minimum grade of C
CHEM 1211L Principles of Chemistry Lab ICHEM 1211L Principles of Chemistry Lab I1 Credits
Laboratory exercises designed to supplement the lecture material of CHEM 1211.
Prerequisites: CHEM 1211** with a minimum grade of C and (
MATH 1111** with a minimum grade of C or
MATH 1113** with a minimum grade of C or
MATH 1190** with a minimum grade of C or
MATH 1179** with a minimum grade of C or
MATH 2202** with a minimum grade of C)
Total: 15
Term 2
ENGL 1102 English Composition IIENGL 1102 English Composition II3 Credits
A composition course that develops writing skills beyond the levels of proficiency required by ENGL 1101, that emphasizes interpretation, and evaluation, and that incorporates a variety of more advanced research methods.
Prerequisites: (
ENGL 1101 with a minimum grade of C or
ENGL 101 with a minimum grade of C)
CHEM 1212 Principles of Chemistry IICHEM 1212 Principles of Chemistry II3 Credits
Second course in a two-semester sequence covering the fundamental principles and applications of chemistry designed for science majors.
Prerequisites: (
CHEM 1211 with a minimum grade of C or
CHEM 1211K with a minimum grade of C) and (
MATH 1111 with a minimum grade of C or
MATH 1113 with a minimum grade of C or
MATH 1179 with a minimum grade of C or
MATH 1190 with a minimum grade of C or
MATH 2202 with a minimum grade of C)
CHEM 1212L Principles of Chemistry Lab IICHEM 1212L Principles of Chemistry Lab II1 Credits
Laboratory exercises designed to supplement the lecture material of CHEM 1212.
Prerequisites: CHEM 1211 with a minimum grade of C and
CHEM 1211L with a minimum grade of C and
CHEM 1212** with a minimum grade of C
BIOL 1107 Principles of Biology IBIOL 1107 Principles of Biology I3 Credits
Lecture part of a sequence designed for science majors.
The course is an introduction to cell and molecular biology as well as molecular and population genetics. Students who successfully complete the class should be able to describe the fundamental biology of the cell, including cellular anatomy and cellular metabolic processes in both plants and animals. Students will also use molecular genetics to describe the basis for heredity and how this is expressed in populations as well as how it informs evolutionary principles.
BIOL 1107L Principles of Biology I LabBIOL 1107L Principles of Biology I Lab1 Credits
Laboratory exercises supplement the lecture material of BIOL 1107.
Students will learn how to use scientific equipment to explore the cell and molecular biology in plant and animals as well as the biochemistry of life. Students will learn about experimental design and how to generate and interpret scientific data.
Prerequisites: BIOL 1107** with a minimum grade of C
Total: 18
Year 1 (Hours: 33)
Term 3
POLS 1101 American GovernmentPOLS 1101 American Government3 Credits
This course examines the institutions and processes of American government and Georgia State government. Global comparisons are made between the governments of the U.S. and other modern nation-states.
EDUC 2110 Critical & Contemporary IssuesEDUC 2110 Critical & Contemporary Issues3 Credits
This course engages students in observations, interactions, and analyses of critical and contemporary educational issues. Students will investigate issues influencing the social and political contexts of educational settings in Georgia and the United States. Students will actively examine the teaching profession from multiple vantage points both within and outside the school. Against this backdrop, students will reflect on and interpret the meaning of education and schooling in a diverse culture and examine the moral and ethical responsibilities of teaching in a democracy. Includes the use of current technologies which are directly related to effective teaching and 15 hours of observation and participation in appropriate elementary/early childhood, middle grades, secondary or P-12 environments.
Note: Verification of professional liability insurance and a criminal background check are required prior to receiving a school placement.
PHYS 2211 Principles of Physics IPHYS 2211 Principles of Physics I3 Credits
PHYS 2211 is an introductory calculus-based course on classical mechanics, thermodynamics, and waves. The student will be able to apply Newton's laws and conservation of energy and momentum to various problems in kinematics and dynamics, use the law of universal gravitation to falling objects and orbital motion, describe simple harmonic motion, oscillations, and waves, and explain temperature, heat, and entropy.
Prerequisites: MATH 1190 with a minimum grade of C or
MATH 1179 with a minimum grade of C and
MATH 1189 with a minimum grade of C
PHYS 2211L Principles of Physics I LabPHYS 2211L Principles of Physics I Lab1 Credits
PHYS 2211L is an introductory laboratory for the calculus-based course on classical mechanics, and waves. The student will be able to apply Newton's laws and conservation of energy and momentum to various problems in the laboratory, and perform measurements of simple harmonic motion, oscillations, and waves. The analysis of sources of error and formal propagation of uncertainties will also be developed, as well as graphical techniques and the method of least-squares fits.
Prerequisites: PHYS 2211** with a minimum grade of C
MATH 2202 Calculus IIMATH 2202 Calculus II4 Credits
This course is the second in the calculus curriculum and consists of two parts. The first part is concerned with the techniques of integration and applications of the integral. The second part is concerned with infinite sequences and series.
Prerequisites: MATH 1190 with a minimum grade of C or
MATH 1179 with a minimum grade of C and
MATH 1189 with a minimum grade of C
Total: 17
Term 4
EDUC 2120 Explore Socio-Cultural PerspecEDUC 2120 Explore Socio-Cultural Perspec3 Credits
Given the rapidly changing demographics in our state and country, this course is designed to equip future teachers with the fundamental knowledge of understanding culture and teaching children from diverse backgrounds. Specifically, this course is designed to examine 1) the nature and function of culture; 2) the development of individual and group cultural identity; 3) definitions and implications of diversity, and 4) the influences of culture on learning, development, and pedagogy.
EDUC 2130 Exploring Teaching & LearningEDUC 2130 Exploring Teaching & Learning3 Credits
Explore key aspects of learning and teaching through examining your own learning processes and those of others, with the goal of applying your knowledge to enhance the learning of all students in a variety of educational settings and contexts.
Note: Verification of professional liability insurance is required
Prerequisites: EDUC 2110 with a minimum grade of C or
ECE 2270 with a minimum grade of C or
ENED 2110 with a minimum grade of C or
HIED 2110 with a minimum grade of C
CHEM 2800 Quantitative Analy ChemCHEM 2800 Quantitative Analy Chem3 Credits
This course introduces students to statistics; the use of spreadsheets; principles of gravimetric and volumetric analysis; concepts of chemical equilibria as applied to acid-base, precipitation and complex ion reactions; electrochemistry and potentiometry; ultraviolet - visible spectroscopy; and an introduction to modern chromatographic separations.
Prerequisites: CHEM 1212 with a minimum grade of C and (
MATH 1113 with a minimum grade of C or
MATH 1190 with a minimum grade of C or
MATH 1179 with a minimum grade of C or
MATH 2202 with a minimum grade of C)
CHEM 2800L Quantitative Analy Chem LabCHEM 2800L Quantitative Analy Chem Lab1 Credits
Laboratory experiments include: gravimetric analysis, precipitation, complexiometric, and reduction-oxidation titrations; potentiometric applications; calibration techniques using ultraviolet - visible spectroscopy. Tutorials on the application of spreadsheets.
Prerequisites: CHEM 1212L with a minimum grade of C and
CHEM 2800** with a minimum grade of C
PHYS 2212 Principles of Physics IIPHYS 2212 Principles of Physics II3 Credits
PHYS 2212 is an introductory calculus-based course on electromagnetism, optics, and modern physics. The student will be able to apply the concepts of electric field and electric potential to problems in electrostatics and with electric currents, describe the motion of charged particles in magnetic fields and induction, explain the origin of electromagnetic waves and properties of light, and understand elementary principles of special relativity and quantum physics.
Prerequisites: MATH 2202 with a minimum grade of C and (
PHYS 2211 with a minimum grade of C or
PHYS 2211K with a minimum grade of C or
PHYS 1211K with a minimum grade of C)
PHYS 2212L Principles of Physics II LabPHYS 2212L Principles of Physics II Lab1 Credits
Prerequisites: PHYS 2212** with a minimum grade of C
Total: 17
Year 2 (Hours: 34)
Term 5
SCED 4414 Meth of Teaching Sec Science ISCED 4414 Meth of Teaching Sec Science I2 Credits
This course examines teachers, students, content, and interactions that lead students to develop conceptual understandings of science. Science teacher candidates design and implement instructional activities informed by understanding of science learning, then assess student learning. The co-requisite for this course is a 60 hour field experience as introduction to the adolescent learner, the equity imperative and science education reform.
Prerequisites: EDUC 2130 with a minimum grade of C
SCED 4424 Teach Second Science Pract ISCED 4424 Teach Second Science Pract I1 Credits
This course is a one credit-hour, school-based field experience in a secondary science classroom. The specific schedule will be determined collaboratively between the collaborating mentor teacher, the teacher candidate, and the KSU supervisor. Candidates must have a satisfactory field experience to continue on to student teaching. Proof of professional liability insurance and a criminal background check are required prior to receiving a school placement.
CHEM 3601 PhysChem:QuantumChem&SpecCHEM 3601 PhysChem:QuantumChem&Spec3 Credits
This course provides an introduction to quantum mechanics and its application to selected chemical systems, atomic structure, chemical bonding, atomic, rotational, vibrational, and electronic spectroscopy.
Prerequisites: CHEM 2800 with a minimum grade of C and
PHYS 2212** with a minimum grade of C
CHEM 3361 Modern Organic Chemistry ICHEM 3361 Modern Organic Chemistry I3 Credits
CHEM3361 is the first course of a two-semester sequence in modern organic chemistry. The course includes a study of structure, properties, synthesis, and reactions of basic organic compounds using modern structural and mechanical theories.
Prerequisites: CHEM 1212** with a minimum grade of C or
CHEM 1212K** with a minimum grade of C
CHEM 3361L Modern Organic Chem I LabCHEM 3361L Modern Organic Chem I Lab1 Credits
Laboratory experiments designed to introduce the students to modern experimental method used in organic chemistry for separation of mixture, purification of compounds, and reactions illustrating single functional group transformation.
Prerequisites: CHEM 1212L** with a minimum grade of C and
CHEM 3361** with a minimum grade of C
BIOL 1108 Principles of Biology IIBIOL 1108 Principles of Biology II3 Credits
Lecture part of a sequence designed for science majors.
Students will explore the evolution and diversity of life in this course. Students will have additional focus on organismal anatomy and physiology as well as learning basic principles of ecology.
BIOL 1108L Principles of Biology II LabBIOL 1108L Principles of Biology II Lab1 Credits
Laboratory exercises supplement the lecture material of BIOL 1108. Students will examine phylogenetics, organismal diversity, ecological principles, and physiology through a combination of lab observations and hypothesis-testing experiments. Students are also expected to perform a fetal pig dissection in order to explore vertebrate anatomy. Application of the methods of experimental design, data analysis, and data presentation will be a major component of this course.
Prerequisites: BIOL 1108** with a minimum grade of C
Total: 14
Term 6
SCED 4416 Meth Teaching Sec Science IISCED 4416 Meth Teaching Sec Science II3 Credits
Teacher candidates will develop pedagogical content knowledge through the design and implementation of inquiry and project-based science lessons appropriate to secondary learners. Candidates will use available student data and research-based literature and theory to help guide their lesson planning. Candidates will critically reflect upon their teaching practice using videos, journals, and discussions. This course is restricted to participants in the secondary science education program.
Prerequisites: SCED 4414 with a minimum grade of C
SCED 4426 Teach Second Science Pract IISCED 4426 Teach Second Science Pract II1 Credits
This course is a one credit-hour, school-based field experience in a secondary science classroom. The specific schedule will be determined collaboratively between the collaborating mentor teacher, the teacher candidate, and the KSU supervisor. Candidates must have a satisfactory field experience to continue on to student teaching. Proof of professional liability insurance and a criminal background check are required prior to receiving a school placement.
Prerequisites: SCED 4424 with a minimum grade of C
CHEM 3362 Modern Organic Chemistry IICHEM 3362 Modern Organic Chemistry II3 Credits
CHEM 3362 is the second course of a two-semester sequence in modern organic chemistry. The course includes a study of structure, properties, synthesis and reactions of basic organic compounds using modern structural and mechanical theories.
Prerequisites: CHEM 3361 with a minimum grade of C
CHEM 3362L Modern Organic Chem II LabCHEM 3362L Modern Organic Chem II Lab1 Credits
Laboratory experiments designed to introduce the students to modern experimental methods used in organic chemistry synthesis, characterization of compounds, and multistep synthesis of useful target-compounds from readily available starting material.
Prerequisites: CHEM 3361L with a minimum grade of C and
CHEM 3362** with a minimum grade of C
Total: 14
Year 3 (Hours: 28)
Term 7
ITEC 3300 Technology in High SchoolITEC 3300 Technology in High School3 Credits
Teacher candidates learn to use technologies to promote student achievement in high school content area and technology literacy standards. Special topics include using technology to improve students? English language learning, to assess student learning, and to differentiate instruction. Candidates also learn to manage their digital activities in ways appropriate for a professional educator; advocate for students without beyond-school access; and teach K-12 students how to use technology safely, ethically, and legally. This is a three-credit (3) course.
SCED 4650 Yearlong Clinical Experience ISCED 4650 Yearlong Clinical Experience I3 Credits
Teacher candidates will develop pedagogical content knowledge through the design and implementation of inquiry and project-based science lessons appropriate to secondary learners. Candidates will use available student data and research-based literature and theory to help guide their lesson planning. Candidates will critically reflect upon their teaching practice using videos, journals, and discussions. This course is restricted to participants in the secondary science education program. This course includes a one credit seminar.
Prerequisites: SCED 4416 with a minimum grade of C
EDUC 4610 Intro to Yearlong Clinical ExpEDUC 4610 Intro to Yearlong Clinical Exp0 Credits
This course is the beginning to the co-teaching Yearlong Clinical Experience in education. Candidates will attend the entirety of pre-planning at their assigned school before the start of the academic year (the exact timing of which will depend on the placement school?s schedule). Additionally, candidates will also attend the first week of the academic year in order to familiarize themselves with the policies and routines of their placement school and Collaborating Teacher.
Prerequisites: ARED 4650** with a minimum grade of C or
MUED 4650** with a minimum grade of C or
FLED 4650** with a minimum grade of C or
HPE 4430** with a minimum grade of C or
ENED 4650** with a minimum grade of C or
HIED 4650** with a minimum grade of C or
SCED 4650** with a minimum grade of C or
MAED 4650** with a minimum grade of C or
ECE 4650** with a minimum grade of C or
ECE 4660** with a minimum grade of C or
EDMG 4650** with a minimum grade of C
INED 3300 Educating Students w/ ExceptINED 3300 Educating Students w/ Except3 Credits
This course prepares candidates to work collaboratively with families and school personnel to positively impact the academic, social/emotional, and behavioral development of students with exceptionalities. This course requires a ten-hour observational and instructional experience in assigned school placement(s). Verification of professional liability insurance is required prior to placement in the field experience. Candidates must have an issued preservice certificate for this course. This course fulfills Georgia HB 671 requirement. Beginning July 1, 2019, all candidates must earn a ?B? or higher in this course for certification as stated in the Georgia PSC 505-2-.24 Special Georgia Requirements.
Prerequisites: (
SCED 4650** with a minimum grade of C or
ENED 4650** with a minimum grade of C or
FLED 4650** with a minimum grade of C or
HIED 4650** with a minimum grade of C or
MAED 4424** with a minimum grade of C or
EDMG 4650** with a minimum grade of C)
SCED 4651 YCE I SeminarSCED 4651 YCE I Seminar1 Credits
This seminar supports and assesses candidate development in secondary science education during the first semester of the yearlong clinical experience. Candidates reflect on the development of their competencies, skills, and dispositions, and support for teacher performance assessments is provided. Seminar discussions challenge candidates to examine and integrate current issues, values, and practices in the secondary (6-12) science classroom.
Total: 13
Term 8
SCED 4661 YCE II SeminarSCED 4661 YCE II Seminar1 Credits
This seminar supports and assesses candidate development in secondary science education during the clinical experience. Candidates reflect on the development of their competencies, skills, and dispositions, and support for teacher performance assessments is provided. The seminar discussions challenge candidates to examine and integrate current issues, values, and practices in the secondary (6-12) science classroom.
SCED 4660 Yearlong Clinical Exp IISCED 4660 Yearlong Clinical Exp II8 Credits
Teacher candidates will develop pedagogical content knowledge through the design and implementation of inquiry and project-based science lessons appropriate to secondary learners. Candidates will use available student data and research-based literature and theory to help guide their lesson planning. Candidates will critically reflect upon their teaching practice using videos, journals, and discussions. This course is restricted to participants in the secondary science education program. This course includes a one credit seminar.
Prerequisites: SCED 4650 with a minimum grade of C
INED 4431 Founds Teach Multilingual LrnsINED 4431 Founds Teach Multilingual Lrns3 Credits
This course introduces middle and/or secondary teacher candidates to today?s diverse English learner population, education policies that impact these students and how cultural resources can be leveraged to meet their academic needs. This course focuses on developing effective instruction, assessment, and literacy development for English learners and other linguistically diverse learners in middle grade classrooms. Specifically, candidates will a) examine the academic, linguistic and social needs of linguistically diverse learners, b) explore the differences between teaching reading and writing to English learners and native English speakers; and c) develop skills necessary for the differentiation, scaffolding language and content for English learners at a variety of language proficiency levels.
Prerequisites: (
EDUC 4610** with a minimum grade of C or
EDMG 3350** with a minimum grade of C)
Total: 12
Year 4 (Hours: 25)
Program Total: 120 Hours
Milestones: All courses indicated as a Milestone with this icon ( ) should be completed in the term suggested to prevent delays in program completion.
Disclaimer: An academic map is a suggested four-year schedule of courses based on degree requirements in the KSU undergraduate catalog. This sample schedule serves as a general guideline to help build a full schedule each term. Some departments allow students to use the three credit first-year seminar course as a free elective for a degree program, which may impact the program's total credit hours. Milestones, courses, and special requirements necessary for timely progress to complete a major are designated to keep you on track to graduate in four years. Missing milestones could delay your program. Enrolled Students should reference DegreeWorks and not this plan.
This map is not a substitute for academic advisement—contact your advisor if you have any questions about scheduling or about your degree requirements. Also
see the current undergraduate catalog ( for a complete list of requirements and electives. Note: Requirements are continually under revision, and
there is no guarantee they will not be changed or revoked; contact the department and/or program area for current information.
You may choose to attend a summer term to reduce your load during fall or spring terms but still stay on track to graduate in four years.