BS - Criminal Justice 24
The Criminal Justice system is an institution that is at the crux of societal concern. When individuals are asked to define major social problems, the fear of and response to crime are found at the top of the list. People not only want to have a better understanding of these problems; many also want to become a part of the solution. It is these individuals who will be the primary beneficiaries of the Criminal Justice major at KSU. The secondary beneficiaries are members of the community; university educated criminal justice personnel make better criminal justice practitioners. This program of study is timely and relevant. It infuses knowledge about interpersonal communication skills, multicultural issues, leadership and management concerns, moral and ethical considerations, and technological applications into the coursework.
Term 1
ENGL 1101 English Composition IENGL 1101 English Composition I3 Credits
A composition course focusing on skills required for effective writing in a variety of contexts, with emphasis on exposition, analysis, and argumentation, and also including introductory use of a variety of research skills.
ECON 1000 Contemporary Economic IssuesECON 1000 Credits
Description not available
CRJU 1101 Foundation of Criminal JusticeCRJU 1101 Foundation of Criminal Justice3 Credits
This course provides an overview of the criminal justice system. Emphasis will be on crime in America, the criminal justice process, law enforcement, adjudication, punishment, corrections, and prisons. Other special issues to be addressed include AIDS, changing roles of women, and criminal justice systems in other countries.
Core Field of Study Elective (1 of 3)Core Field of Study Elective (1 of 3)3 Credits
ACCT 2101 or GEOG 1130 or HS 2100 or ICT 2101 or LDRS 2100 or POLS 2212 or SOCI 2251 or SPAN 2034 or FL 1001 or SPAN 1001 or COMM 2240
Total: 14
Term 2
ENGL 1102 English Composition IIENGL 1102 English Composition II3 Credits
A composition course that develops writing skills beyond the levels of proficiency required by ENGL 1101, that emphasizes interpretation, and evaluation, and that incorporates a variety of more advanced research methods.
Prerequisites: (
ENGL 1101 with a minimum grade of C or
ENGL 101 with a minimum grade of C)
SOCI 1101 Introduction to SociologySOCI 1101 Introduction to Sociology3 Credits
This course is an overview of sociology, which emphasizes the social nature of human behavior, including an introduction to culture, social structure, socialization, deviance, stratification, family, gender, religion, demography, and complex organization.
Total: 15
Year 1 (Hours: 29)
Term 3
CRJU 2201 Crimes and DefensesCRJU 2201 Crimes and Defenses3 Credits
This course explores substantive criminal offenses and defenses. Topic areas include the types and elements of felony and misdemeanor criminal offenses, defenses to crimes, and lower and appellate case law interpretations of crimes and defenses. Emphasis is placed on federal and state criminal law, including those pertaining to Georgia. The course also evaluates the historical development of crimes and defenses, public policy implications, and the underlying principles that guide the development of crimes and defenses.
General Education Core Curriculum Technology, Mathematics, and Sciences (1 of 2)General Education Core Curriculum Technology, Mathematics, and Sciences (1 of 2)4 Credits
SCI 1101 or GEOG 1112 or GEOG 1113 or (BIOL 1107 and BIOL 1107L) or (PHYS 1111 and PHYS 1111L) or (PHYS 2211 and PHYS 2211L) or (CHEM 1211 and CHEM 1211L) or (CHEM 1151 and CHEM 1151L) or (BIOL 1108 and BIOL 1108L) or (PHYS 1112 and PHYS 1112L) or (PHYS 2212 and PHYS 2212L) or (CHEM 1212 and CHEM 1212L) or (CHEM 1152 and CHEM 1152L)
Total: 16
Term 4
POLS 1101 American GovernmentPOLS 1101 American Government3 Credits
This course examines the institutions and processes of American government and Georgia State government. Global comparisons are made between the governments of the U.S. and other modern nation-states.
Core Field of Study Elective (2 of 3)Core Field of Study Elective (2 of 3)3 Credits
ACCT 2101 or GEOG 1130 or HS 2100 or ICT 2101 or LDRS 2100 or POLS 2212 or SOCI 2251 or SPAN 2034 or FL 1001 or SPAN 1001 or COMM 2240
General Education Core Curriculum Technology, Mathematics, and Sciences (2 of 2)General Education Core Curriculum Technology, Mathematics, and Sciences (2 of 2)3 Credits
SCI 1102 or GEOG 1112 or GEOG 1113 or GEOG 1125 or ANTH 1105 or GEOG 1110 or (BIOL 1107 and BIOL 1107L) or (BIOL 1108 and BIOL 1108L) or (CHEM 1211 and CHEM 1211L) or (CHEM 1151 and CHEM 1151L) or (CHEM 1212 and CHEM 1212L) or (CHEM 1152 and CHEM 1152L) or (PHYS 1111 and PHYS 1111L) or (PHYS 1112 and PHYS 1112L) or (PHYS 2212 and PHYS 2212L) or (PHYS 2211 and PHYS 2211L)
Core Field of Study Elective (3 of 3)Core Field of Study Elective (3 of 3)3 Credits
ACCT 2101 or GEOG 1130 or HS 2100 or ICT 2101 or LDRS 2100 or POLS 2212 or SOCI 2251 or SPAN 2034 or FL 1001 or SPAN 1001 or COMM 2240
Total: 15
Year 2 (Hours: 31)
Term 5
CRJU 3300 Criminal CourtsCRJU 3300 Criminal Courts3 Credits
This course examines the history, development, structure, operation, and organization of criminal court systems in federal and state courts in the United States. Emphasis is given to juvenile courts and court administration. Other topics include the roles of major professional and non-professional courtroom participants; stages in the process of adjudication of criminal cases from initial charging through post-conviction review; and an introduction to the constitutional rights of the accused
Prerequisites: (
CRJU 1101 with a minimum grade of C or
CRJU 2205 with a minimum grade of C or
CJ 2205 with a minimum grade of C)
CRJU 3301 Research Methods in CJCRJU 3301 Research Methods in CJ3 Credits
This course provides an introduction to concepts and techniques of social science research. Students will (a) become familiar with levels of measurement, sampling techniques, research design, and research techniques, and (b) apply these techniques to the study of specific research questions in criminal justice.
Prerequisites: CRJU 1101 with a minimum grade of C
Upper-Division Criminal Justice Elective (1 of 4)Upper-Division Criminal Justice Elective (1 of 4)3 Credits
CRJU 3305 or CRJU 3310 or CRJU 3311 or CRJU 3312 or CRJU 3320 or CRJU 3340 or CRJU 3352 or CRJU 3355 or CRJU 3365 or CRJU 3398 or CRJU 3400 or CRJU 4300 or CRJU 4305 or CRJU 4400 or CRJU 4410 or CRJU 4430 or CRJU 4490 or SOCI 3360 or SOCI 4200 or SOCI 4442
Total: 15
Term 6
CRJU 3315 Criminal ProcedureCRJU 3315 Criminal Procedure3 Credits
This course addresses the following stages of criminal procedure and evidence: (1) methods and rules of police investigation and arrest; (2) pretrial screening of complaints: (3) formal charging of the accused; (4) adjudication - evidentiary requirements; (5) sentencing; and (6) appellate review by higher courts.
Prerequisites: (
CRJU 1101 with a minimum grade of D or
CJ 2205 with a minimum grade of D)
CRJU 3332 CorrectionsCRJU 3332 Corrections3 Credits
A review of the historical and philosophical backgrounds of corrections. Special emphasis is placed on the role of corrections in the criminal justice system.
Prerequisites: (
CRJU 1101 with a minimum grade of D or
CJ 2205 with a minimum grade of D or
CRJU 2205 with a minimum grade of D)
Upper-Division Criminal Justice Elective (2 of 4)Upper-Division Criminal Justice Elective (2 of 4)3 Credits
CRJU 3305 or CRJU 3310 or CRJU 3311 or CRJU 3312 or CRJU 3320 or CRJU 3340 or CRJU 3352 or CRJU 3355 or CRJU 3365 or CRJU 3398 or CRJU 3400 or CRJU 4300 or CRJU 4305 or CRJU 4400 or CRJU 4410 or CRJU 4430 or CRJU 4490 or SOCI 3360 or SOCI 4200 or SOCI 4442
Related Studies Course (1 of 2)Related Studies Course (1 of 2)3 Credits
BLCK 3@ or BLCK 4@ or AMST 3@ or AMST 4@ or ANTH 3@ or ANTH 4@ or ASIA 3@ or ASIA 4@ or BIOL 3@ or BIOL 4@ or BUSA 3@ or BUSA 4@ or CHEM 3@ or CHEM 4@ or COM 3@ or COM 4@ or CRJU 3@ or CRJU 4@ or ECON 3@ or ECON 4@ or ENGL 3@ or ENGL 4@ or ENVS 3@ or ENVS 4@ or EUST 3@ or EUST 4@ or FILM 3@ or FILM 4@ or FL 3@ or FL 4@ or GEOG 3@ or GEOG 4@ or GIS 3@ or GIS 4@ or GWST 3@ or GWST 4@ or HIST 3@ or HIST 4@ or HON 3@ or HON 4@ or IAD 3@ or IAD 4@ or ISD 3@ or ISD 4@ or JOUR 3@ or JOUR 4@ or LING 3@ or LING 4@ or MENT 3@ or MENT 4@ or MILS 3@ or MILS 4@ or ORGC 3@ or ORGC 4@ or PAX 3@ or PAX 4@ or PHIL 3@ or PHIL 4@ or PHIL 3@ or PHIL 4@ or POLS 3@ or POLS 4@ or PR 3@ or PR 4@ or PSYC 3@ or PSYC 4@ or RELS 3@ or RELS 4@ or SA 3@ or SA 4@ or SCI 3@ or SCI 4@ or SOCI 3@ or SOCI 4@ or STAT 3@ or STAT 4@ or STS 3@ or STS 4@ or TCID 3@ or TCID 4@ or TCOM 3@ or TCOM 4@ or WRIT 3@ or WRIT 4@
Total: 15
Year 3 (Hours: 30)
Term 7
CRJU 4100 Ethics in Criminal JusticeCRJU 4100 Ethics in Criminal Justice3 Credits
This course prepares students to think critically about ethical issues they will encounter in the criminal justice profession. Topics include uses of force, increasing cultural diversity, and the balance between freedom and security.
Prerequisites: (
CRJU 1101 with a minimum grade of D or
CJ 2205 with a minimum grade of D)
CRJU 4499 Senior Seminar in CJCRJU 4499 Senior Seminar in CJ3 Credits
This is the capstone course designed for senior-level students to apply learning from previous criminal justice courses and courses from their specific major concentration. This course addresses current issues and trends in criminal justice to integrate knowledge concerning criminal justice policy. Each student is required to prepare, submit and present a research paper on an instructor-approved criminal justice topic
Prerequisites: CRJU 1101 with a minimum grade of C and
CRJU 3301 with a minimum grade of C
Upper-Division Criminal Justice Elective (3 of 4)Upper-Division Criminal Justice Elective (3 of 4)3 Credits
CRJU 3305 or CRJU 3310 or CRJU 3311 or CRJU 3312 or CRJU 3320 or CRJU 3340 or CRJU 3352 or CRJU 3355 or CRJU 3365 or CRJU 3398 or CRJU 3400 or CRJU 4300 or CRJU 4305 or CRJU 4400 or CRJU 4410 or CRJU 4430 or CRJU 4490 or SOCI 3360 or SOCI 4200 or SOCI 4442
Related Studies Course (2 of 2)Related Studies Course (2 of 2)3 Credits
BLCK 3@ or BLCK 4@ or AMST 3@ or AMST 4@ or ANTH 3@ or ANTH 4@ or ASIA 3@ or ASIA 4@ or BIOL 3@ or BIOL 4@ or BUSA 3@ or BUSA 4@ or CHEM 3@ or CHEM 4@ or COM 3@ or COM 4@ or CRJU 3@ or CRJU 4@ or ECON 3@ or ECON 4@ or ENGL 3@ or ENGL 4@ or ENVS 3@ or ENVS 4@ or EUST 3@ or EUST 4@ or FILM 3@ or FILM 4@ or FL 3@ or FL 4@ or GEOG 3@ or GEOG 4@ or GIS 3@ or GIS 4@ or GWST 3@ or GWST 4@ or HIST 3@ or HIST 4@ or HON 3@ or HON 4@ or IAD 3@ or IAD 4@ or ISD 3@ or ISD 4@ or JOUR 3@ or JOUR 4@ or LING 3@ or LING 4@ or MENT 3@ or MENT 4@ or MILS 3@ or MILS 4@ or ORGC 3@ or ORGC 4@ or PAX 3@ or PAX 4@ or PHIL 3@ or PHIL 4@ or POLS 3@ or POLS 4@ or PR 3@ or PR 4@ or PSYC 3@ or PSYC 4@ or RELS 3@ or RELS 4@ or SA 3@ or SA 4@ or SOCI 3@ or SOCI 4@ or STAT 3@ or STAT 4@ or STS 3@ or STS 4@ or TCID 3@ or TCID 4@ or TCOM 3@ or TCOM 4@ or WRIT 3@ or WRIT 4@
Total: 15
Term 8
SOCI 4432 CriminologySOCI 4432 Criminology3 Credits
An overview of theory and practice, the nature and cause of crime, and the etiology of criminal offenses and offenders.
Prerequisites: (
CRJU 1101 with a minimum grade of D or
SOCI 1101 with a minimum grade of D)
Upper-Division Criminal Justice Elective (4 of 4)Upper-Division Criminal Justice Elective (4 of 4)3 Credits
CRJU 3305 or CRJU 3310 or CRJU 3311 or CRJU 3312 or CRJU 3320 or CRJU 3340 or CRJU 3352 or CRJU 3355 or CRJU 3365 or CRJU 3398 or CRJU 3400 or CRJU 4300 or CRJU 4305 or CRJU 4400 or CRJU 4410 or CRJU 4430 or CRJU 4490 or SOCI 3360 or SOCI 4200 or SOCI 4442
Total: 15
Year 4 (Hours: 30)
Program Total: 120 Hours
Milestones: All courses indicated as a Milestone with this icon ( ) should be completed in the term suggested to prevent delays in program completion.
Disclaimer: An academic map is a suggested four-year schedule of courses based on degree requirements in the KSU undergraduate catalog. This sample schedule serves as a general guideline to help build a full schedule each term. Some departments allow students to use the three credit first-year seminar course as a free elective for a degree program, which may impact the program's total credit hours. Milestones, courses, and special requirements necessary for timely progress to complete a major are designated to keep you on track to graduate in four years. Missing milestones could delay your program. Enrolled Students should reference DegreeWorks and not this plan.
This map is not a substitute for academic advisement—contact your advisor if you have any questions about scheduling or about your degree requirements. Also
see the current undergraduate catalog ( for a complete list of requirements and electives. Note: Requirements are continually under revision, and
there is no guarantee they will not be changed or revoked; contact the department and/or program area for current information.
You may choose to attend a summer term to reduce your load during fall or spring terms but still stay on track to graduate in four years.