BA - Geography 24
The Bachelor of Arts with a major in Geography provides students with an understanding of various aspects of the Earth, including its physical features, the role of humans in modifying the Earth, and the relationships between peoples and places.
Term 1
ENGL 1101 English Composition IENGL 1101 English Composition I3 Credits
A composition course focusing on skills required for effective writing in a variety of contexts, with emphasis on exposition, analysis, and argumentation, and also including introductory use of a variety of research skills.
GEOG 1110 The Digital EarthGEOG 1110 The Digital Earth3 Credits
This is a survey course for students with an interest in geographic theories, laws, fundamentals, methods, environmental applications and visualizing natural phenomena. With a focus on physical geography, students learn about geographic principles of place and space, as well as introductory geospatial techniques such as map reading, coordinate systems, scale, distance, direction, global positioning system (GPS), geographic information system (GIS), remote sensing, and spatial analysis. Students also learn basic skills in collecting, manipulating, and understanding geospatial data by creating and analyzing maps, aerial photos and satellite imagery to solve problems and interpret the environment.
General Education Core Curriculum Technology, Mathematics, and Sciences (1 of 2)General Education Core Curriculum Technology, Mathematics, and Sciences (1 of 2)4 Credits
SCI 1101 or GEOG 1112 or GEOG 1113 or (CHEM 1152 and CHEM 1152L) or (CHEM 1151 and CHEM 1151L) or (CHEM 1211 and CHEM 1211L) or (CHEM 1212 and CHEM 1212L) or (PHYS 1111 and PHYS 1111L) or (PHYS 1112 and PHYS 1112L) or (PHYS 2211 and PHYS 2211L) or (PHYS 2212 and PHYS 2212L) or (BIOL 1107 and BIOL 1107L) or (BIOL 1108 and BIOL 1108L)
Total: 15
Term 2
ENGL 1102 English Composition IIENGL 1102 English Composition II3 Credits
A composition course that develops writing skills beyond the levels of proficiency required by ENGL 1101, that emphasizes interpretation, and evaluation, and that incorporates a variety of more advanced research methods.
Prerequisites: (
ENGL 1101 with a minimum grade of C or
ENGL 101 with a minimum grade of C)
ECON 1000 Contemporary Economic IssuesECON 1000 Credits
Description not available
General Education Core Curriculum Technology, Mathematics, and Sciences (2 of 2)General Education Core Curriculum Technology, Mathematics, and Sciences (2 of 2)3 Credits
SCI 1102 or GEOG 1112 or GEOG 1113 or GEOG 1125 or ANTH 1105 or (CHEM 1151 and CHEM 1151L) or (CHEM 1152 and CHEM 1152L) or (CHEM 1211 and CHEM 1211L) or (CHEM 1212 and CHEM 1212L) or (PHYS 1111 and PHYS 1111L) or (PHYS 1112 and PHYS 1112L) or (PHYS 2211 and PHYS 2211L) or (PHYS 2212 and PHYS 2212L) or (BIOL 1107 and BIOL 1107L) or (BIOL 1108 and BIOL 1108L)
Total: 14
Year 1 (Hours: 29)
Term 3
POLS 1101 American GovernmentPOLS 1101 American Government3 Credits
This course examines the institutions and processes of American government and Georgia State government. Global comparisons are made between the governments of the U.S. and other modern nation-states.
Total: 15
Term 4
WLC 1002 Elem World Lang & Culture IIWLC 1002 Elem World Lang & Culture II3 Credits
This course stresses continued, progressive acquisition of effective communication skills in both the written and spoken language and an understanding of the practices and products of the culture being studied.
Prerequisites: WLC 1001 with a minimum grade of C or
FL 1001 with a minimum grade of C
Total: 16
Year 2 (Hours: 31)
Term 5
GEOG 2200 Research MethodsGEOG 2200 Research Methods3 Credits
This course is designed to prepare students for scientific research in the environmental field and related disciplines. It introduces students to a variety of spatial and environmental research concepts, approaches, methods and techniques. This course guides students through aspects of scientific research.
Prerequisites: (
GEOG 1101 with a minimum grade of C or
GEOG 1125 with a minimum grade of C or
GEOG 1130 with a minimum grade of C) and (
GEOG 1112 with a minimum grade of C or
GEOG 1113 with a minimum grade of C) and (
GEOG 1102 with a minimum grade of C or
GEOG 1110 with a minimum grade of C)
FL 2001 Intermediate FL IFL 2001 Intermediate FL I3 Credits
The student will continue to develop proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing, and learn to communicate in culturally appropriate ways. Not open to native speakers of foreign language.
Prerequisites: FL 1002 with a minimum grade of D
Group A Human/Regional Geography (1 of 2)Group A Human/Regional Geography (1 of 2)3 Credits
GEOG 3000 or GEOG 3312 or GEOG 3320 or GEOG 3330 or GEOG 3340 or GEOG 3350 or GEOG 3360 or GEOG 3370 or GEOG 3390 or GEOG 3395 or GEOG 4300 or GEOG 4345 or GEOG 4349 or GEOG 4380
Total: 15
Term 6
Group A Human/Regional Geography (2 of 2)Group A Human/Regional Geography (2 of 2)3 Credits
GEOG 3000 or GEOG 3312 or GEOG 3320 or GEOG 3330 or GEOG 3340 or GEOG 3350 or GEOG 3360 or GEOG 3370 or GEOG 3390 or GEOG 3395 or GEOG 4300 or GEOG 4345 or GEOG 4349 or GEOG 4380
Total: 15
Year 3 (Hours: 30)
Term 7
Total: 15
Term 8
GEOG 4499 Senior SeminarGEOG 4499 Senior Seminar3 Credits
Required capstone course for all geography and GISc majors. This seminar helps students apply their geographic knowledge and skills culminating in a research project. The course also includes preparation for graduate study and job opportunities in geography.
Total: 15
Year 4 (Hours: 30)
Program Total: 120 Hours
Milestones: All courses indicated as a Milestone with this icon (
) should be completed in the term suggested to prevent delays in program completion.
Disclaimer: An academic map is a suggested four-year schedule of courses based on degree requirements in the KSU undergraduate catalog. This sample schedule serves as a general guideline to help build a full schedule each term. Some departments allow students to use the three credit first-year seminar course as a free elective for a degree program, which may impact the program's total credit hours. Milestones, courses, and special requirements necessary for timely progress to complete a major are designated to keep you on track to graduate in four years. Missing milestones could delay your program. Enrolled Students should reference DegreeWorks and not this plan.
This map is not a substitute for academic advisement—contact your advisor if you have any questions about scheduling or about your degree requirements. Also
see the current undergraduate catalog ( for a complete list of requirements and electives. Note: Requirements are continually under revision, and
there is no guarantee they will not be changed or revoked; contact the department and/or program area for current information.
You may choose to attend a summer term to reduce your load during fall or spring terms but still stay on track to graduate in four years.