BS - Industrial Engineering Technology 24
If you like to be at the center of the action, designing creative solutions that make business and industry work safer, faster, and leaner, making organizations more efficient, productive, and cost-effective then the career for you is Industrial Engineering Technology.
This Bachelor of Science degree offers the graduate a challenging career in business, industry, or government. Graduates deal primarily with the process management of money, materials, and labor in a business and industrial environment.
Term 1
ENGL 1101 English Composition IENGL 1101 English Composition I3 Credits
A composition course focusing on skills required for effective writing in a variety of contexts, with emphasis on exposition, analysis, and argumentation, and also including introductory use of a variety of research skills.
ENGR 1000 Introduction to EngineeringENGR 1000 Introduction to Engineering1 Credits
This course explains the engineering education pathways in the Southern Polytechnic College of Engineering and Engineering Technology. The course introduces University and College resources as well as an overview of career opportunities, available campus facilities and student organizations. The course also covers advising and course planning, and some of the skills necessary for various Engineering disciplines. Students will learn basic skills in problem solving, computation, design, and communication that is needed for future engineering courses.
Total: 13
Term 2
ENGL 1102 English Composition IIENGL 1102 English Composition II3 Credits
A composition course that develops writing skills beyond the levels of proficiency required by ENGL 1101, that emphasizes interpretation, and evaluation, and that incorporates a variety of more advanced research methods.
Prerequisites: (
ENGL 1101 with a minimum grade of C or
ENGL 101 with a minimum grade of C)
POLS 1101 American GovernmentPOLS 1101 American Government3 Credits
This course examines the institutions and processes of American government and Georgia State government. Global comparisons are made between the governments of the U.S. and other modern nation-states.
ECON 1000 Contemporary Economic IssuesECON 1000 Credits
Description not available
IET 1001L Industrial Engr Tech LabIET 1001L Industrial Engr Tech Lab1 Credits
This is an introductory course for Industrial Engineering Technology majors. The course covers the curriculum and how industrial engineering technology (IET) is used in industry applications. Also covered are research, writing, and presentation skills, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft PowerPoint.
Total: 17
Year 1 (Hours: 30)
Term 3
EDG 1210 Survey of Engineering GraphicsEDG 1210 Survey of Engineering Graphics2 Credits
This course introduces the students to a broad range of engineering graphics topics. Freehand sketching, and computer-aided design (CAD) assignments cover theory and application in such areas as fundamentals of engineering graphics, drafting technique, lettering, orthographic projection, sectional views, pictorial drawings, dimensioning, and industry practices.
IET 2000 Intro to Industrial Eng DesignIET 2000 Intro to Industrial Eng Design3 Credits
Introduce students to Industrial Engineering design concepts important for ensuring product, process, and service performance and safety. Topics include design for usability, safety, reliability, manufacturability, quality, and other current topics in design.
Prerequisites: IET 1001L** with a minimum grade of C
IET 2449 Logistics&SupplyChainMgntIET 2449 Logistics&SupplyChainMgnt3 Credits
This course offers an analysis of decision making in the current logistics environment and the tools needed for finding solutions to problems relating to purchasing, inventory, transportation, and warehouse management.
IET 2227 Probability and Statistics IIET 2227 Probability and Statistics I3 Credits
This course covers descriptive statistics, probability, sampling distributions and the central limit theorem, continuous and discrete distributions used in engineering, and inferences about single samples, including point and interval estimates for means, proportions and variances. Industrial applications rather than theoretical developments are emphasized. Computer based solution techniques are used when appropriate. This is the first of a two-course sequence.
Prerequisites: (
MATH 1112 with a minimum grade of C or
MATH 1113 with a minimum grade of C)
Total: 15
Term 4
IET 3403 Probability and Statistics IIIET 3403 Probability and Statistics II3 Credits
This second of a two-course sequence covers hypothesis testing for means, proportions and variances (one and two samples), categorical data analysis (chi-square contingency tables and goodness-of-fit tests), one- and two-way analysis of variance, experimental design, and introduction to regression analysis, all with engineering applications. Techniques for gathering, analyzing, and presenting technical and engineering data are presented. Computer-based solution techniques are used where appropriate.
Prerequisites: (
IET 2227 with a minimum grade of C or
STAT 1401 with a minimum grade of C) and
MATH 1113 with a minimum grade of C
Core Field of Study Science ElectiveCore Field of Study Science Elective4 Credits
SCI 1101 or (PHYS 1111 and PHYS 1111L) or (PHYS 1112 and PHYS 1112L) or (PHYS 2211 and PHYS 2211L) or (PHYS 2212 and PHYS 2212L) or (CHEM 1211 and CHEM 1211L) or (CHEM 1212 and CHEM 1212L) or (CHEM 1152 and CHEM 1152L) or (BIOL 1107 and BIOL 1107L) or (BIOL 1108 and BIOL 1108L)
Total: 16
Year 2 (Hours: 31)
Term 5
IET 3322 Work Measurement ErgonomicsIET 3322 Work Measurement Ergonomics4 Credits
This course will focus on work design and ergonomics in manufacturing. Topics will include work methods and production processes to improve operator effectiveness and reduce production costs. Techniques studied include operation analysis, motion study, work sampling, time study, line balancing and ergonomic applications.
IET 3424 Engineering EconomyIET 3424 Engineering Economy3 Credits
As an introduction to the effect of the time value of money, this course will use equivalent annual cost, present worth, internal rates of return, and benefit to cost ratios in making economic analysis. Tax consequences, replacement theory and economic life will be examined in the analysis of engineering problems.
Prerequisites: MATH 1112 with a minimum grade of C or
MATH 1113 with a minimum grade of C or
STAT 1107 with a minimum grade of C or
STAT 1401 with a minimum grade of C or
MATH 1107 with a minimum grade of C and (
MATH 1190** with a minimum grade of C or
MATH 1179** with a minimum grade of C and
MATH 1189** with a minimum grade of C)
TCOM 2010 Technical WritingTCOM 2010 Technical Writing3 Credits
Introduction to organization, style, and mechanics of technical and professional writing. Includes practice in writing such typical documents as technical descriptions, instructions, proposals, and recommendation reports. Emphasis placed on planning, organizing, and writing reports; designing visual aids; and editing. Among other assignments, at least one complete technical report is required.
Prerequisites: ENGL 1102 with a minimum grade of C
Total: 16
Term 6
IT 1113 Introduction to ProgrammingIT 1113 Introduction to Programming3 Credits
This course covers the fundamentals of computer programming. Concepts of counters, accumulators, decision-making, looping, subroutines, arrays, files, and string processing are covered. A programing language is used for assignments.
IET 3433 Product & Process CostingIET 3433 Product & Process Costing3 Credits
This course explores cost measurement related to manufacturing and non-manufacturing sectors through cost measurement and control in job order, process, standard and variable costing systems. Content includes the recording and control of material, labor and overhead costs, absorption and direct costing, budgeting, and cost volume profit and analysis.
Prerequisites: ACCT 2100 with a minimum grade of C
IET 4135 Project Mgnt for EngineersIET 4135 Project Mgnt for Engineers3 Credits
This course is a comprehensive study of project concepts, such as project definitions, systems and methodologies, project cycles, roles and responsibilities of leaders and members, and procedures used in industrial and production environments. Topics include scheduling, controlling projects, time-cost tradeoff, resource allocation and project cost control.
Prerequisites: MATH 1112 with a minimum grade of C or
MATH 1113 with a minimum grade of C) and (
MATH 1190** with a minimum grade of C or
MATH 1179** with a minimum grade of C and
MATH 1189** with a minimum grade of C
IET 3356 Quality Concepts & Sys DesignIET 3356 Quality Concepts & Sys Design3 Credits
Students in this course will learn and apply quality systems principles, methodology, and standards. Students will analyze the decision making process in quality, and evaluate quality systems for compliance with standards and performance of the organization. Student teams will analyze and propose a solution for a real world quality problem.
Total: 15
Year 3 (Hours: 31)
Term 7
IET 4115 HR Management for EngineersIET 4115 HR Management for Engineers3 Credits
This course is a comprehensive study of human resource management used in industry today. Topics covered are organizational structures, labor relations, supervising professionals, legal issues, team-based environments, performance appraisal, leadership, wage and salary and employee benefits.
IET 4422 FacDsgn,PlntLayout,MatHandlingIET 4422 FacDsgn,PlntLayout,MatHandling4 Credits
Principles and practices in layout and material handling for industrial/service facilities planning are studied. A group project requires students to integrate product, process and functional design of a facility. Cost analysis for facility planning and operation is also utilized in the project.
Prerequisites: (
IET 2000 with a minimum grade of C or
IET 2305 with a minimum grade of C) and
IET 3322 with a minimum grade of C and
IET 3433** with a minimum grade of C
IET 4405 OperResearch-Conc,Mdls,MethodsIET 4405 OperResearch-Conc,Mdls,Methods3 Credits
This course will introduce the students to quantitative techniques used in the solution of industrial operations problems. Topics include linear programming, assignments, transportation/shipment techniques, integer linear programming, and decision analysis.
IET 3339 Statistical Quality ControlIET 3339 Statistical Quality Control3 Credits
A study of the fundamentals of statistical quality control is provided. Topics include statistical process control with emphasis on applications and techniques including control charts for variables and attributes, and process capability. Other topics include scientific sampling fundamentals, acceptance sampling by attributes and variables, and reliability.
Prerequisites: IET 3403 with a minimum grade of C
Total: 16
Term 8
IET 4151 Oper Mgnt for EngineersIET 4151 Oper Mgnt for Engineers3 Credits
This course includes basic production and inventory control systems. Areas of focus include forecasting, master planning, MRP, productivity, competitiveness, strategy, product and service design, process selections, capacity planning, and location planning.
IET 4451 Systems SimulationIET 4451 Systems Simulation3 Credits
This is an in-depth study of simulation as applied to manufacturing, inventory and distribution systems. Topics will include basic simulation and system modeling techniques, random sampling procedures, production modeling, inventory modeling and system evaluation. Emphasis will be upon hands-on simulation of various operations using ARENA, a PC-based graphical simulation program.
Prerequisites: (
IET 2227 with a minimum grade of C or
STAT 1401 with a minimum grade of C or
MATH 1107 with a minimum grade of C or
STAT 1107 with a minimum grade of C) and (
IET 2000 with a minimum grade of C or
IET 2305 with a minimum grade of C) and
MATH 1113 with a minimum grade of C
IET 4475 Senior ProjectIET 4475 Senior Project3 Credits
This course focuses on the student completing a project that is a comprehensive application of the subject matter in the IET curriculum. A large-scale feasibility study is to be performed to emphasize the interrelated topics of logistical and production processes for a fictitious company. The course requires a formal written report and a defended oral presentation before industrial and academic experts.
Prerequisites: (
IET 2000 with a minimum grade of C or
IET 2305 with a minimum grade of C) and
IET 2449 with a minimum grade of C and
IET 3356 with a minimum grade of C and
IET 4422 with a minimum grade of C and
IET 4135** with a minimum grade of C
Total: 12
Year 4 (Hours: 28)
Program Total: 120 Hours
Milestones: All courses indicated as a Milestone with this icon (
) should be completed in the term suggested to prevent delays in program completion.
Disclaimer: An academic map is a suggested four-year schedule of courses based on degree requirements in the KSU undergraduate catalog. This sample schedule serves as a general guideline to help build a full schedule each term. Some departments allow students to use the three credit first-year seminar course as a free elective for a degree program, which may impact the program's total credit hours. Milestones, courses, and special requirements necessary for timely progress to complete a major are designated to keep you on track to graduate in four years. Missing milestones could delay your program. Enrolled Students should reference DegreeWorks and not this plan.
This map is not a substitute for academic advisement—contact your advisor if you have any questions about scheduling or about your degree requirements. Also
see the current undergraduate catalog ( for a complete list of requirements and electives. Note: Requirements are continually under revision, and
there is no guarantee they will not be changed or revoked; contact the department and/or program area for current information.
You may choose to attend a summer term to reduce your load during fall or spring terms but still stay on track to graduate in four years.